Welcome to SmartSnugg Australia

The SmartSnugg system allows parents to monitor their baby’s internal sleeping bag temperature, room temperature and movements, and is able track and learn their baby’s ideal sleeping preferences and assists parents in dressing their baby for
a safer and most comfortable sleep

SmartSnugg the world's first temperature and movement monitoring infant sleeping bag!

Rest assured knowing you will be alerted (through your SmartSnugg App) if your child becomes too Hot or too Cold or rolls on to their tummy!

With SmartSnugg® the whole family can enjoy a better quality, and more comfortable sleep.

* Available on IOS Only *

  • STEP 1

    Download Our Free SmartSnugg App

  • STEP 2

    Plug SmartBridge Into Your Childs Room

  • STEP 3

    Insert SmartPebble into Internal SmartSleeper Pocket.

  • STEP 4

    Start your monitoring session. Sit Back Relax and Monitor Remotely.

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Now Available in Baby Bunting!

SmartSnugg is proud to be sold in Baby Bunting stores across Australia!

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